低于预期可能最好的都剪在预告片里了虽然尺度很大但感觉故事本身反而太…无聊了underwhelming高开低走后面落入老生常谈中段甚至觉得有点吵兰州方言兔八哥是剧情没跟上音量的吵不过中后期那个女主身份的反转倒挺符合 don't fit anywhere 的移民永恒主题的中间插的一些正反 racism 也让人会心一笑三星半
这电影让我日常恐男Yes I get it, you are lonely and lost. Deep down inside you are just a sensitive little boy. You need a hug. But that’s no excuse for being a misogynistic weirdo. Women are not responsible for your plight, so don’t expect them to be your therapists. Sure, your life sucks, but try living in fear 24/7, that’s what it is like to be a woman.